Fortune Teller and White Time Healer
Reading cards since 1986.
At Black Sheep Gypsies, I am dedicated to providing mystical and metaphysical services to individuals seeking spiritual guidance and insight. Founded on the belief that every individual has a unique journey and story to uncover, I specialize in offering a range of services that tap into ancient wisdom and intuitive knowledge to help guide and inform.
I embrace the unconventional and celebrate the diversity of spiritual beliefs and practices of all.
Private full 60 minute readings are available every day by appointment.
Or 20 minute summary readings are available every Saturday from 10am-2pm at Intrinsic Wellbeing in Golden Colorado
Full readings we can either do in person (within the Denver Metro area) or over the phone, whichever works best for you.
Click Here to visit the Full Reading Booking page to schedule a full private reading.
Click Here to visit the Intrinsic Wellbeing Booking page to schedule a Saturday reading at Intrinsic (walk-in’s are also welcome).
Thank you for visiting! I look forward to having a reading with you! ❤
And always remember: Do good things, make good choices! 😉